And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people.
-Acts 2:44-47
Giving to Resurrection AG
The general fund serves as the main fund at Resurrection Assembly of God.
It is used to keep up the basic necessities of the day-to-day operations of the church
It helps with benevolence & other requests if those funds aren’t sufficient.
We cannot do the work of the church in this community without our general fund.
General Fund
10% of money received by this fund is donated to other global & local churches.
The benevolence fund is used for our local acts of justice and neighbor love.
Benevolence funds are designated to help meet the basic needs of people, including: food, shelter, housing, and water.
Every week we pray that God’s holy worldwide and apostolic Church would be one.
We are committed to partnership with the global church, in prayer, in relationship, and in finances.
The missions fund is designated to support pastors and missionaries serving communities across the globe.
In the year of Jubilee debts are forgiven, land is restored, and rest is attainable for all.
The Jubilee endowment fund is intended as one part of a strategic plan for sustainable ministry at Resurrection Assembly of God.
There are many ways to give to the endowment to create an impact through good works for years to come.
Jubilee Endowment Fund
The Maternal Health fund is used to support our work with expecting and new mothers.
Funds are used to support service to mothers and baby’s in need.
It costs about $200 to sponsor the basic necessities for a new mother.